
Know How TwizyLine will revolutionize parking concept in Paris2024

There was a lot of work to do here. Lets see how the team has developed this proyect...


One of the first ideas we had in mind, when we decided to create TwizyLine, was to create an algorithm which was capable of controlling the system, to automatize the procedures and send instructions to the different elements of TwizyLine. That algorithm is the back-end software.


When it comes to carsharing there must be a key that lets the users access the service. This means users have to be able to find the vehicles, open them, turn them on, and in our case, also find the available parking places. Its 2020 and it’s the smartphone era, so this key had to be an app

Autonomous Twizy

We have designed and implemented a whole system that can be coupled to a vehicle to give it level 4 autonomous vehicle capabilities. We have performed an analysis of the optimum technologies for the project, its cost, and the elements available on the market, studying their interconnection and their viability in the project

Mechanical Modifications

One of the main modifications of the Twizy is involved with its steering column. Renault Twizy is not provided with power steering, so we have implement a motor to control that column to make possible the turns when the vehicle is in autonomous mode

Every company has a financial plan behind

0 parkings
To cover the mobility of the Olympic Games
The inversion for the games
< 0 years
Less than 3 years to return the invest
0 %
savings of 38% per year in your traditional bussiness
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